Via Dolorosa - Pieta - Via Crucis - 13
Pieta. Via Crucis. Way of the Cross.
Station 13: Christ is taken down from the Cross.
This Station represents the place where Christ's most sacred body was taken down from the Cross by Joseph and Nicodemus, and laid in the bosom of His weeping Mother.
This original painting is currently for Sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original at the link below.

Via Dolorosa - The Way Of The Cross - 14
Entombent of Christ. The way of the Cross. Via Crucis. Kryziaus kelias. La Pasion de Cristo.
Kreuzweg. Droga krzyzowa. Stations of the Cross
Station 14: Christ is laid in the Holy Sepulchre.
This Station represents Christ's Sepulchre, where His blessed body was laid with piety and devotion.
Charitable Jesus, for my salvation Thou performedst the painful journey of the Cross.
Let me press the footsteps marked by Thee, gracious Redeemer - the paths which, through the thorns of life, conduct to the heavenly Jerusalem. Would that Thou wert entombed in my heart, that being united to Thee, I might rise to a new life of grace, and persevere to the end. Grant me, in my last moments, to receive Thy precious Body, as the pledge of immortal life. Let my last words be Jesus and Mary, my least breath be united to Thy last breath on the Cross; that with a lively faith, a firm hope and ardent love, I may die with Thee and for Thee; that I may reign with Thee for ever and ever.
Amen, Jesus.
This original painting is currently for Sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original at the link above.
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